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Gosh, it's been a while. Very busy, it seems.

Clay is becoming such a little boy and it is very exciting to witness. His walking is quite fluid. I dropped him off at daycare this morning because B is not feeling well and let him walk in himself. As opposed to carrying him, I mean. I lifted him out of his car seat and onto the ground and he walked along the sidewalk. I opened the door and he walked right in, looking so happy and proud of himself.

The past week has seen two other developments: he can now "give five." As in "Clay, gimme five!" You put your hand out and he lifts him arm way up, pauses as though to aim, then slaps your hand. When he makes contact, he lets out a triumphant "Dah!" Trust me, it's delightful.

The other thing is that he's begun to point and grunt. This might sound small but it feels huge: He's trying to communicate! He has this Fisher Price aquarium that hangs in his crib. It lights up and makes a bubbling sound as the fish rotate; when I put him to bed each night I turn it on and suggest that he watch the fish channel for a while. He seemed to enjoy it but I never knew for sure until the other night I turned it on only to discover the batteries were dead. I told him I'd fix it the next day and he lay in his crib pointing and saying "Eh! Eh!"

In other news, I've officially returned to my prepregnancy weight. The way these pounds are arranged is perhaps a bit less cute than the way they were arranged previously, but I'll take it. Most of my old clothes fit again. Not the smallest jeans, but the next-smallest ones. How nice.

Unfortunately, the shoe situation is less happy: I have gone up a quarter size. I used to be a perfect nine, now I'm a perfect nine and a quarter. Which means I spend a lot of time trying on socks of various thickness and experimenting with those inserts that can take up some room in a too-roomy shoe. The ones that make me think of dance lesson diagrams. Ah, well.

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